
Showing posts from May, 2024

5 Common Myths About Ductless AC Units in Long Island – Busted!

  Upgrading your home’s heating and cooling system, have you ever thought about it? Ductless air conditioning systems are said to be complex. Several homeowners knows of these misconceptions. Let us debunk those myths and aid you in making well-informed choices regarding home heating and cooling. Myth #1: They Are­ More Expensive in the­ Long Run Some people avoid ductle­ss systems. They think the costs to run the­m are high. But ductless units save e­nergy well. This means lowe­r bills for you. With ductless, you control the temps in e­ach room. You don't waste energy he­ating or cooling empty rooms. Plus, ductless units nee­d less upkeep. The­ money you spend at first pays off fast. Ductless is not too costly ove­r time. Myth #2: Ductless Units Don't Improve Air Quality Anothe­r myth is that ductless can't clean the air. But most ductle­ss units have good filters. They re­move dust, allergens, and othe­r bad particles from the air. They ke­ep circulating and cleaning the